PRINCIPLE #1: Know Thyself, Know Thy Tribe"
When I was a struggling trainer I'd train anyone who would pay me.

Taking money from people we don't enjoy being with... is like prostitution.  

But like most of us -- I just put my head down and did what I had to for them money.  Sure, I earned a few bucks but I was miserable.  

It's impossible to be the strongest version of ourselves if we're not being TRUE.  
KNOW THYSELF: Is about being honest with ourselves. Everyone has different tastes and interests, likes and dislikes.  

When we know ourselves we know its not just our right to earn a living do work we love, it is our responsibility.  

Knowing yourself means following your heart, and trusting your gut. 

KNOW THY TRIBE: Is all about sharing your truth, and attracting the best people for you. As a coach, we share our time, knowledge and energy with other people.  

There are some people we'd like to spend time with, and others we don't. 

It's never worth it to sacrifice our TRUTH -- just for the money. 

It is better that we share our time and energy with like-minded clients, members, and people whom we enjoy being with. 

It amazing how many people violate this principle and as a result never reach their goals, and remain miserable their whole lives.  
PRINCIPLE #2: "Climb The NONJOB Ladder"
If you follow me on YouTube, you might be familiar with my NONJOB video series.  

In these free videos I created for my YouTube fans I taught business principles to young people to help them earn a living by sharing their passions (aka: a non-job)

I made these videos after getting dozens of questions from young people looking for an alternative to the basic college and career ladder.  

If you haven’t seen these videos don’t worry, what you need to know right now is....  
Getting Paid As A Warehouse Gym Business Owner Is Measured By Your Knowledge & Use Of Direct Response Marketing and Sales. 
Marketing and sales is the life blood of your business.

If you are not marketing, you are not making sales, and if you are not making sales -- you DON'T have a business. 

There is nothing wrong with focusing on workout programs and great member service, but all of that is only possible if we have a well-functioning marketing system, and know how to close a sale (get the client). 

I struggled as a trainer in the beginning because I didn't understand the truth about marketing and sales.  It wasn't until I heard this quote from Brian Tracy, that it finally clicked... 
"A sale is the transfer of passion." 
I learned the #1 requirement for being a great sales person is PASSION.  

If you are passionate about fitness, exercise and helping people be their best... then this will be super easy for you also.

I call this principle "Climb The NONJOB Ladder" because there are a sequence of steps (or rungs) we bring people though in order to "transfer our passion" to them, and make them our members. 
  •  STEP #1: BE A PROBLEM SOLVER. You are passionate about fitness, and you know what it takes to help someone with fat loss, muscle building or performance.  By the very nature of the work we do, we solve problems. 

  • STEP #2: SHARE YOUR STORY. People do business with people they know, like and trust.  Sharing yourself and your story with prospects is all about relationship.  If you have struggled with weight loss or know how if feels to be down, then share it.  Your story tells people WHY you are passionate about the work you do.  

  • STEP #3: OFFER A SOLUTION. As fitness coaches we offer our time, energy and expertise as a solution to people's health and fat loss problems.  In our case exercise is the solution -- but that is not enough.  Our job is to show people why OUR solution is the best

  •  STEP #4: ALWAYS BE CLOSING. Getting someone from prospect to client / member is the first "close" we make as coaches... but closing never stops.  Every time we write a new training plan, remind members to show up on time, and give them a great workout -- we are closing.  Everything we do is an opportunity to show our members we appreciate them, and remind them why they love training at our gym. 
PRINCIPLE #3: "Adopt The Warrior's Mindset."
Without The Warriors Mindset, I would still be a struggling trainer trying to feed my family. 

If you're reading this now, there is a good chance you've already adopted the Warrior's Mindset... although you might not know it yet.   

Starting a warehouse gym business is not for everyone.  

Success in any field requires sacrifice, hard work and commitment.  The fact is that most people are just not cut out for this, and that's okay.  

But I am looking to work with people who know what they want, and are willing to do whatever it takes to get it. 
All Successful People Have Two Things In Common: 
Action Orientation & Unceasing Devotion 
If you can answer YES to each of the following questions, then I am talking about YOU: 
  •  QUESTION #1: ARE YOU DARING? Daring people take action, even if there is no guarantee of success.  The sweetest fruit grows "out on the limb".  When we're take risks, by going out on the limb, we reap the rewards that most people are too afraid to go after. 

  • QUESTION #2: ARE YOU DECISIVE?   Decisive people trust their gut and follow their hearts.  Indecisive people over-think and over-analyze their options.  Procrastination is the main reason why people never reach their goals.  It is best to take the leap, and learn how to fly along the way. 

  • QUESTION#3: ARE YOU DISCIPLINED? Disciplined people do what they have to do, whether they feel like it or not.  Being successful sometime means doing things we'd rather not do (like wake up early or work late), but it is by going the extra mile that we attain victory.  Like they say "Go the extra mile, it's never crowded." 

  •  QUESTION #4: ARE YOU DEVOTED? Devoted people are in it for the long run.  Luke-warm people never fully commit themselves to anything.  The minute a new opportunity or distraction crosses their path, they turn cold and go the other way.  Devotion is about keeping the fire burning, and never giving up on your dreams.    
By following all three of these Strength Camp Business PRINCIPLES.... 
"I Transformed My Small Dusty Garage
Into A 6-Figure Warehouse Gym Business" 
When I began applying these principles to Strength Camp. I was able to upgrade my operation from the back my van, into my small warehouse gym in South St Petersburg FL.

By applying the "Know Thyself / Know Thy Tribe" Principle, I positioned my gym as a place for real bad asses. Strength Camp was dusty warehouse on the bad side of town… and people loved it.

 I had several clients who drove up to an hour a day to train with me at Strength Camp. 

As a result...
"I Finally Reached My Goal Of
$10,000 Per Month"
For me $10,000 per month meant I could pay the bills, AND put food on the table for my growing family. 

I was also able to begin paying off considerable my debt. 

$10,000 was my goal, but it might be different for you.  

Maybe you only need $5,000 per month to live the way want 

...or maybe you'd like to earn $50,000 per month -- its really up to you.

By applying The Strength Camp Business Principles, there is NO LIMIT on how much you can earn

Within a short period of time I expand Strength Camp to a bigger location. 

Strength Camp is now in its fourth home -- an 8,000 square foot warehouse in a nicer part of town. 

We were able to increase our membership from less than 25, to over 100 in record time… by applying each of the business principles with a Warrior’s Mindset, of devotion to the work and disciplined execution. 

I share my story with you, because these principles work.

When applied, they can help build a warehouse gym business from the ground up, or take it to the next level. 

Success as a warehouse gym business owner is all about knowing and applying these principles.

These principles work EVERY Time, for EVERY Coach and EVERY Gym. 


John attended my Warehouse Gym Business bootcamp in 2009.  After the bootcamp he when on to start his very own profitable warehouse gym.  

Knowing himself and knowing his tribe, John chose to focus mainly on Olympic Weightlifting and training young athletes. 

John follows sounds NONJOB Ladder Principles

True to the warriors code, John is a devoted to his work, his family and his calling as a warehouse gym business owner. 


Gina was working at a health spa, and hated it. She saw my NonJob Ladder video and choose to attend my NonJob seminar in 2015.

After that, Gina quit her job, and started her own warehouse gym business. 

Knowing herself and her tribe, Gina is an athlete and loves empowering women. Her gym Gevolution Fitness is all about her and her passion for fitness and leadership. 

Like a true warrior, Gina and her husband Rich are devoted to their business, their marriage and their son Rick. 


Brandon attended our Strength Camp Business Bootcamp in 2016 became a decided to become a Strength Camp Ambassador.

Before joining us Brandon was a failing CrossFit gym owner. I think CrossFit a wonderful job of popularizing hard core fitness. But when you start a CF gym you’re basically on your own, with no real business and marketing guidance. 

With our support Brandon applies NonJob Ladder principles, and now owns a PROFITABLE warehouse gym.

Brandon is a true warrior. He dreamed of owning a Warehouse gym while serving in the Marine Corps. His dream is now a reality.

Do You Have What It Takes? 

You, me, and the other successful warehouse gym owners you've just met -- have a lot in common. 

You love fitness, lifting and coaching. 

You want to earn a great living, doing work you are proud of as a warehouse gym business owner. 

And just like I did... You need a solution for not having enough time, money or knowledge as a fitness coach / gym owner to get started. 

That is why YOU are here
"You Can Do This Too." 
No matter where you find yourself today, if you are passionate about fitness and are willing do what it takes to run your own successful warehouse gym business... You can achieve the same results.

Even if you don't have it all together right now, that shouldn't stop you from taking action. 

Remember, I started Strength Camp in the city parks out the back of my old van -- while $90,000 in debt. 

Many of my students started on their journey of gym ownership PART TIME. 

Many of them chose to make short-term sacrifices for LONG TERM GAIN. 

ALL of them believed in themselves, believed in these Principles and use their Warrior's Mindset to achieve their goals.

If you're ready to be true to yourself...

If you're ready follow sound business principles...

If you're ready to take action in the direction of your dreams of warehouse gym business ownership... 

Click the GREEN BUTTON to continue reading Part 3: The Final Step For Success  
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